Bronx Uber Accident Lawyers

Experienced Bronx Uber Accident Attorneys

Uber’s initial launch in San Francisco was only the beginning. The convenience of their services soon spread to New York City and its surrounding areas, giving both tourists and locals access to safe transportation from the airport or around town. If you live in New York City, Uber provides four distinct services: UberX, their cost-effective option; the spacious and roomy UberXL; as well as higher-end options such as the luxurious UberBlack or uberSUV. Unfortunately, navigating through NYC’s notorious gridlock can be a dangerous endeavor for both drivers and passengers alike.

Uber accidents are always an alarming possibility when it comes to these rideshare services. Sometimes due to reckless driving on behalf of an agent of the company while other times the fault lies with another driver out there on city streets. No matter what the case may be, if you were involved in a collision with an Uber driver, New York law grants you the right to file a personal injury suit against those responsible for any medical and injury-related damages. Contact Rosenberg & Rodriguez today for your free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Bronx Uber accident lawyers.

Determining Fault In Uber Accident Cases

Uber collisions can be more intricate than typical vehicle mishaps due to the fact that Uber drivers are not legally employed by the company, making it hard to decide who is responsible for any damages. So how do you determine which party must pay? Your Bronx Uber accident attorney will examine what status your rideshare app was in during crash time to assess this matter further.

When Uber Liable For An Accident

In the unfortunate case of a car accident involving an Uber driver, two unique insurance policies must be taken into consideration. The primary policy is contingent and only kicks in after any claims have been met by the driver’s personal plan. This type of coverage comes into effect when the Uber app is active but no new ride requests are accepted yet.

Uber’s second policy is comprehensive, kicking in once the driver has begun a journey with an individual who paid for their services or accepted an invitation to come and get someone.

When The Uber Driver Is Liable For An Accident

When the Uber app is switched off, your driver’s professional “on-duty” status ends. This essentially means that any mishaps which may arise while they’re not on duty must be handled by their personal insurance policy—making them completely responsible for providing coverage in case of an accident.

If you were injured by a driver without insurance, your lawyer can assist you in filing an uninsured motorist claim with your insurer so that you receive the full value of your coverage.

Common Causes of Uber Accidents

From the Bronx to Manhattan, a wide array of conditions can result in an Uber accident in New York City. Though each incident is distinctive and unpredictable, some frequent causes for these accidents are as follows:

Distracted Driving

Not only do Uber drivers brave traffic and the potential for disruptive passengers, but they are also regularly confronted with distractions like adjusting their radio or snacking while on the move. To top it off, these courteous chauffeurs must monitor the app to learn where their next rider is located all at once! Driving can be daunting enough without adding such obstacles into the mix.

Fatigued Driving

Despite Uber’s 12-hour maximum app time limit, a driver is still at risk of becoming exhausted or fatigued. This policy doesn’t take into consideration the other occupations they might have nor extended periods of idle time between riders.

Driving Under The Influence

Uber drivers who consume drugs or alcohol while riding pose a substantial menace to public safety, just like any other driver driving under the influence of such substances. Drunk driving accidents are serious and require an experienced legal team to make sure that the negligent party is appropriately held accountable for their actions.


While riding with an Uber driver can be convenient and efficient, it also has a downside. Drivers often feel pressured to get you to your destination quickly – resulting in unsafe driving conditions such as speeding that threaten the safety of both them and their passengers. Passengers may desire fast transport but this thoughtless haste increases the chance for car accidents that are more likely to cause severe injury or death than if cars were driven at slower speeds.

Following Too Closely

Impatient and rushed drivers often display tailgating behavior in traffic to express their frustration. Uber drivers who are pressed for time might follow other vehicles too closely, shrinking the margin of reaction space available and potentially causing an accident.

Poor Vehicle Maintenance

New York State law mandates that Uber drivers must have their cars thoroughly inspected every four months, minimizing the possibility of an automobile accident due to mechanical troubles. Nonetheless, it is important to be prepared and aware that a driver can still lose control if any technical issues arise while on the road.

Factors Affecting Uber Accident Claims In The Bronx

If you’re seeking compensation for an accident involving an Uber driver in the Bronx, it can be difficult to achieve due to the fact that their drivers aren’t technically employees. This means that when they are not logged onto the app or network of Uber, the company is no longer liable for what transpires during this time frame. Consequently, recovering damages from them can prove tricky and challenging.

For quite some time, lawyers have called on Uber to recognize their drivers as employees. Yet, they still haven’t done so yet – and if you’ve been involved in an accident while taking a ride with Uber and are contemplating filing an injury claim, it’s important that you first understand how the company functions.

Driver Not In Driving Mode

If you’re looking to join the Uber driving family, having a valid auto insurance policy is essential. To stay in service and avoid any liabilities, make sure that your coverage meets or exceeds whatever specific state requirements are needed; for instance, New York mandates Lyft drivers have at least these forms of liability protection:

  • $10,000 for property damage
  • $25,000 for bodily injury for one person/$50,000 for two or more people
  • $50,000 for the death of one person/$100,000 for the death of two or more people

Driver Waiting For A Ride Request

Even if you haven’t picked up a passenger yet but are in driving mode, Uber may still be liable for any damages caused by the accident. Unfortunately trying to determine liability can become complex quickly – so it’s paramount that you enlist help from an experienced Bronx Uber accident lawyer who will examine your individual case and suggest how best to pursue a claim against Uber.

Driver In Driving Mode

In the case of an accident, Uber’s massive $1 million umbrella insurance plan is in full force for its drivers that are actively driving. All those involved who were injured will be completely covered by this policy and damages caused even by uninsured motorists can receive recompense. With Uber’s powerful coverage, you’ll get maximum restitution after a traumatic incident.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s The Average Settlement For An Uber Accident?

Two major elements that typically determine the worth of your Bronx Uber accident compensation are: 1) how serious your injuries were and 2) the amount of insurance or assets an at-fault party has. Your injury’s severity comes into play as it affects what types of damages you can claim, from medical bills to lost incomes – all part of what makes up a successful case for restitution.

  • Medical bills—including past and future medical expenses;
  • Lost wages-including past and future wages;
  • Lost earning capacity;
  • Rehabilitation costs;
  • Household care services;
  • Surgery costs;
  • Personal property damages;
  • Pain and Suffering;
  • Mental anguish;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life and activities;
  • Loss of consortium; and
  • Disfigurement

Uncovering the financial responsibility of the party at fault for your injuries is essential, as their resource pool can determine how much compensation you will receive. It’s critical to identify the Uber driver’s status when determining this – it could be the difference between a $1 million insurance coverage versus merely a sliver of that amount.

When you are looking for compensation after being involved in an Uber-related accident, it is important to have the expertise of a Bronx lawyer specialized in these cases. With their help, you can assess the extent of your damages and trace back any legal liability against those who caused your injuries. By having this information on hand, they can ensure that all responsible parties are brought to account appropriately and that you receive full reparation for what happened.

What Is Uber’s Auto Insurance Coverage?

Uber has been embroiled in controversy due to their insistence that drivers are not employees, but independent contractors. As the discussion continues around whether this model will change or remain intact, it is key to understand what sets apart an employee from a contractor and how those distinctions can have a significant impact on legal rights such as unemployment insurance eligibility. Businesses often face higher liability when mistakes occur with internal staff compared to contracted workers – understanding these differences is essential for protecting yourself and your business should any mishaps arise.

After an Uber ride-share driver has caused a crash in the Bronx and you’ve been injured or suffered damages as a consequence, it’s essential to understand the legal remedies available for these types of accidents. If you find yourself in this tricky situation, speak with an experienced Bronx Uber accident lawyer so they can guide you through your pursuit of compensation. Here are some important details about what coverages may be applicable:

  • If the Uber driver is on a ride with a passenger, or on the way to pick up a passenger, the company provides its drivers with $1 Million in liability coverage. This is usually through Allstate Insurance in Illinois. They also provide $1 million in uninsured and underinsured coverage for Uber drivers and passengers.
  • However, if the Uber driver is available or waiting for a ride request, the company only provides liability insurance of $50,000 per person and $100,000 per occurrence.
  • Finally, if the app is off, the Uber driver’s personal auto insurance would cover the loss. Here, unfortunately, you will often find a lot of their drivers have minimum or substandard auto insurance coverage.

How Long Do I Have To File My Uber Accident Claim?

New York has a three-year statute of limitations for all accident victims to take legal action, including those who have been involved in Uber accidents. If you fail to file your claim before time runs out, then you will forfeit your right to receive financial compensation for any damages or losses incurred as a result of the incident. Don’t let this important deadline pass you by; act quickly and get the justice that is rightfully yours.

Three years may seem like an eternity, but the process of post-accident rehabilitation and liability assessment can go by quickly. Don’t wait—you need a law firm that is dedicated to digging into the details of your accident and gathering evidence in order to build a solid case for court proceedings. Taking early action is critical.

Contact Our Bronx Uber Accident Lawyers Today

When it comes to Uber accidents, there are usually many parties involved, from the driver of the vehicle to Uber itself. This makes seeking legal counsel all the more vital when navigating these tricky situations. To protect your rights and secure compensation, you must get an experienced Uber accident lawyer who has experience dealing with complex rideshare accident cases.

When faced with the task of seeking full and fair compensation, a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can be your best asset. They will prepare for any potential defenses in advance to reduce risk at trial, probe into details surrounding your case, acquire critical documents such as police records and medical bills, and passionately advocate on your behalf – sometimes even bringing on expert witnesses – all so that you can focus more energy towards healing from this traumatic experience. Contact Rosenberg & Rodriguez today for a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.