Áreas de Práctica de Lesiones Personales en New York

How Can We Help You?


It is a fact that people sustain injuries daily, often due to the negligence of others. These accidents can result in serious injuries that can forever change the victim’s life. If a person is injured due to another person’s negligence, the injured party has the right to seek monetary compensation for his or her damages. A personal injury attorney can help with these types of accidents:


Accidentes de Auto

Junto con todo el daño físico y emocional que un accidente de auto puede causar, hay otros problemas que pueden empeorar su vida. Las primas de seguros pueden subir y las facturas médicas pueden ser demasiado altas para cubrir. Es posible que tenga horas de trabajo perdidas o la necesidad de realizar un recorte en sus horas laborables, inclusive no ser capaz de trabajar, generando gastos médicos y salarios perdidos.


Accidentes de Bicicleta

Somos un equipo comprometido en conseguir el mayor beneficio para nuestros clientes. Un accidente de bicicleta puede traer grandes estragos en la vida del ciclista y sus familiares, por lo que contactar con abogados que tienen experiencia en el área puede generarle un gran alivio. Nos encargaremos de hacer una revisión minuciosa de su caso buscando en todo momento la compensación que se merece.

Accidentes de Construcción

Trabajar en el área de la construcción es una ocupación peligrosa. Para el 2019 se consideraba que el área de trabajo más peligrosa en New York era la industria privada de la construcción. 32% de las fatalidades ocupacionales provienen de la construcción, siendo el trabajo con mayor número de muertes en el área metropolitana.

Mala Práctica Médica

Es vital consultar con nuestros abogados en Rosenberg & Rodriguez para analizar su demanda rápidamente. El lapso definido que los demandantes tienen para presentar una reclamación legal por mala práctica médica es de tres años desde que ocurre el daño por negligencia, o de un año desde el momento en que se descubrió la lesión (lo que ocurra primero). También está obligado a notificar al proveedor de atención médica de su intención de realizar un reclamo judicial al menos 90 días antes de presentarlo.

Accidentes de Peatones

Caminar es una de las mejores formas de moverse a través de la ciudad de New York, sin embargo, eso no lo hace la zona más segura para transitar como peatones. De hecho, NYC es considerada una de las ciudades más peligrosas para los peatones. Aunque se han hecho algunos cambios en las leyes de tránsito como el proyecto de VISION ZERO, para prevenir los accidentes fatales en los últimos años, esto aún no ha sido suficiente.

Premises Liability

Property owners have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of persons that are legally on their property. This duty extends to private homeowners, retail businesses, large residential buildings, shopping malls and municipal entities.

Sidewalk Accidents

The sidewalks of the streets of New York have been neglected for decades. At Rosenberg & Rodriguez, PLLC, our personal injury attorneys are experienced in investigating and determining who is responsible for the maintenance of any particular sidewalk.

Caídas y Resbalones

Si se ha visto afectado por un accidente producto de una caída o un resbalón, le recomendamos contactar a un abogado experimentado cuanto antes. De no estar seguro qué abarca este tipo de accidentes, puede contactarnos a nosotros. Como abogados de sólida experiencia en casos de demanda por lesiones causadas por caídas o resbalones, representamos y ayudamos a las víctimas durante el proceso judicial en todo el estado de New York para conseguir la compensación a la que tienen derecho.


Snow and Ice Accidents

Our lawyers have experience in representing victims that have been injured due to slip and falls on snow and ice conditions.

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Car Accident

When you’re involved in a car accident, the impact on your life can be devastating. While burdened with the pain and suffering from your injuries, you are also likely to lose earnings, suffer property damage, and accrue medical bills. As if that were not bad enough, the process of dealing with large insurance companies is complex and frustrating for most people.

Our lawyers understand the legal and insurance issues surrounding car accidents. Our extensive knowledge and years of experience handling auto accident claims in the New York metro area and Nassau County make our lawyers for accidents the best choice for you.


Bicycle Accidents

Despite a growing number of laws and traffic regulations that are meant to keep bike riders safe, they remain particularly vulnerable to accidents and resulting serious and sometimes deadly injuries.


Construction Accidents

Often construction companies and employers will threaten injured workers by using their immigration status to force them to stay quiet and not seek compensation for their injuries. The fact is that your immigration status does not matter. All injured workers, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to the same protections under New York State laws. This means that an injured worker can sue for compensation for his or her injuries and obtain Worker’s Compensation benefits regardless of immigration status. It cannot be held against you.

Medical Malpractice

Although every medical procedure carries some element of risk, all medical patients have the right to receive competent medical treatment. When patients do not receive competent medical treatment and suffer injuries as a result, they are the victims of medical malpractice and are entitled to just compensation.
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Pedestrian Accidents

Getting around on foot in New York has grown in popularity over the last few years. The high costs of owning a car, New York’s traffic, and concerns about the environment have all contributed to more and more New Yorkers abandoning their cars. New Yorkers are choosing to travel within New York by foot. While there are many benefits to walking as an alternative to driving, the fast moving and busy streets of New York can be very dangerous for pedestrians.

Premises Liability

Some of the most common types of premises accidents for which a property owner may be held liable include:

  • Elevator Defects
  • Retail Businesses
  • Dog Bites
  • Stairway Defects
  • Negligent Security
  • Parking Lot Accidents
  • Private Home/Apartment buildings

Sidewalk Accidents

We employ a team of investigators who go out to accident scenes to conduct full investigations that include taking photographs and measurements of an accident due to sidewalk conditions. Our investigators also locate and interview potential witnesses. Our personal injury law firm also investigates and determines if other accidents had previously occurred at the same location and the owner of the sidewalk was aware of the problem but chose to ignore it.

Slip & Fall Claims

Slip, trip and fall accident cases can occur anywhere such as in a building, parking lot, supermarket, shopping mall, stairway, or in an elevator. The law imposes a legal duty upon all owners of the property to keep their property reasonably safe and free from conditions that can cause accidents or injuries. An owner that fails to live up to this duty may be held legally responsible if someone is injured as a result of failure to keep property in a safe condition.

Snow and Ice Accidents

New York has laws that require that property owners clear their sidewalks and apply salt and/or sand promptly after a snowfall. Many property owners live up to this responsibility and clear their sidewalks on a timely basis. Unfortunately, we have all encountered properties where the snow has not been cleared even long after the snow has ceased to fall. Such owners can be legally liable to a person that sustains an injury as a result of slipping and falling on their property.